About CommercialExploitation.org

In 2010, we became the online pharmacy review site. Our purpose? To make the process of choosing your internet drugstore medicines as easy as possible.

Table of Contents:

Picking up medications from online pharmacies demands careful evaluation. Online pharmacies, assessed by CommercialExploitation.org and reviewed by medical professionals and analysts, offer secure options for consumers seeking affordable pharmaceuticals. These online drugstores are evaluated by experts with advanced degrees in medicine and pharmacology with elaborated evaluation methodolody in mind.

Why trust CommercialExploitation.org?

  1. Our robust review process prioritizes neutrality. We avoid favoring specific drugstores or their pricing structures.
  2. Our primary function is to equip you with the necessary information for independent customer's decision from network of PhD, PharmD and MD to ensure accuracy.
  3. All content, including articles, dataset, and images, is authored, fact-checked and reviewed by qualified healthcare specialists, editors and contributors.
  4. We adapt to e-pharmacy market fluctuations to continuously meet user needs.
  5. No financial incentive to promote anything. Absence of any influence from commissions.

What reviews does CommercialExploitation.org offer?

We offer online pharmacy reviews from Canadian-based Internet pharmacies to International network of drugstores.

How does CommercialExploitation.org make money?

CommercialExploitation.org requires no registration and free for our website visitors to use, with no hidden charges or fees. The platform receives funding from partnership with affiliate programs. Our editorial process prioritizes independence. Affiliate programs provide input on broad topics, but content creation remains solely under our control.

Meet our experts

Dr Ross Walker

Dr Ross Walker has a medical practice in Lindfield on the upper north shore of Sydney. He provides a service in all aspects of echocardiography, focusing on stress echocardiography which is a well accepted, accurate method for assessing heart disease, not involving irradiation or injections.

Alan Carter, PharmD

Dr. Alan Carter is a founder of CommercialExploitation.org and clinical pharmacist with interests in medical research, pharmacy practice and medication therapy management. He graduated from the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Pharmacy. He is currently a research pharmacist manager, clinical pharmacy specialist, and adjunct clinical assistant professor of pharmacy.

Dr Kathryn Basford

Dr Kathryn Basford is a qualified GP who works as a GP in London, as well as with CommercialExploitation (CE). She graduated from the University of Manchester and completed her GP training through Whipps Cross Hospital in London.

Outside of work, Kathryn enjoys baking and keeping active, running marathons, swimming, and taking part in triathlons.

Brian Krebs

Brian Krebs worked as a reporter for The Washington Post from 1995 to 2009, authoring more than 1,300 blog posts for the Security Fix blog, as well as hundreds of stories for washingtonpost.com and The Washington Post newspaper, including eight front-page stories in the dead-tree edition and a Post Magazine cover piece on botnet operators. In 2014, he was profiled in The New York Times, Business Week and by Poynter.org.

Our editorial process standards

CommercialExploitation.org applies a multi-step editorial process to ensure the credibility, objectivity, clarity, and accessibility of its health content. This internally developed process consists of 4 core points:

These principles are applied throughout content creation and editing, guaranteeing readers receive current and evidence-based information. The editorial process serves as a framework for consistency and quality across all publications, reflecting CommercialExploitation.org's dedication to informative and reliable health communication. View our full editorial policy.

Our methodology to evaluate online pharmacy for a review article

Methodology is a structured procedure for bringing about a certain goal.

Methodology to assess an online pharmacy for a review article on CommercialExploitation.org website:

Licensing and Legitimacy

Product Authenticity and Safety

Customer Service and Policies

User Reviews and Reputation

Additional Considerations

Transparency and Information

Where is the organization based?

CommercialExploitation.org is based in Medina, Ohio.

The organization links to over 50 reviewers and contributors and fosters a collaborative work environment focused on continuous improvement. This emphasis on reviewer engagement and open communication is reflected in its recent recognition as the fifth-best reviewers workplace. Find out our job opportunities.

How can I contact you?

You can contact us via our contact page.

Our office address is 4087 Medina Road Suite 200, Medina, Ohio 44256, USA.

Telephone: 1-760-284-3222

You can also follow us on main social networks.

What do you do with my data?

Our organization implements comprehensive security measures and privacy protocols to protect personal information. We employ industry-standard encryption technologies to safeguard all personal data. The closed padlock icon visible on our website indicates a secure connection. Our rigorous security policies aim to prevent unauthorized access and misuse of personal information. We continuously update our security infrastructure to incorporate the latest advancements in protective technology.

Our commitment to privacy extends to all aspects of our operations. We design our products and services with privacy considerations at the forefront, ensuring responsible handling of personal data throughout our organization.


Established in 2010, CommercialExploitation.org emerged from the principle of providing credible online pharmacy reviews. Leveraging founder Alan Carter's (PharmD) pharmaceutical expertise, the organization offered high-quality online pharmacy evaluations. In essence, CommercialExploitation.org aimed to secure the online pharmacy review landscape.

Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood

We support Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood fairplayforkids.org